The Akeneo Event Platform



Simply put, a subscriber represents a connection to a specific event source, like a PIM. While you can attach multiple subscribers to your source, the general recommendation is to configure only one. However, your setup will require creating various subscribers for a multi-tenant context.

The following properties represent a subscriber:

Property Value Description
id Automatically populated Identifier of the subscriber inside the Akeneo Event Platform
tenant_id Automatically populated The tenant identifier (an Akeneo PIM identifier) of the subscriber-targeted PIM
client_id From X-PIM-CLIENT-ID header parameter The App/connection client_id that has been used to create the subscriber
name Populated by the user at creation Name of the subscriber
subject From X-PIM-URL header parameter URL of the targeted source
technical_email Populated by the user at creation A contact email will be used to notify you in case of unexpected behaviour
status Automatically populated The subscriber status

The statuses for a subscriber are:

Status Description
active The destination will receive notifications for events tracked by the subscriber
deleted The subscriber is inactive and cannot be reactivated

For comprehensive details on managing subscribers, consult the complete API reference here.


A subscription is an enrollment for one or more event types from a specified source to a particular destination. By adding a new subscription, you ensure that you receive notifications whenever a tracked event occurs in your Akeneo system. Each subscription is linked to a single subscriber.

The following properties represent a subscription:

Property Value Description
id Automatically populated Identifier of the subscription within the Akeneo Event Platform
source Populated by the user at creation Source of the event (currently, the only source available is pim)
subject From X-PIM-URL header parameter URL of the targeted source
type Populated by the user at creation Type of the subscription (currently, there are two available types: https and pubsub)
events Populated by the user at creation A list of events that the subscription is tracking
status Automatically populated The subscription status
config Populated by the user at creation The subscription configuration is based on the subscription type. See below for further details.

The statuses for a subscription are:

Status Description
active The destination will receive notifications for events monitored by the subscription
deleted The subscription is inactive and cannot be reactivated
suspended The subscription can be suspended by the platform due to excessive errors, or manually by the user. However, you can resume it. Suspending a subscription stops all events from being sent to it. Events are not saved and are lost until the subscription is resumed
revoked The subscription has been automatically revoked because the connection or the app linked to the subscriber was removed from the PIM

#Subscription types

#HTTPS subscription


For the https type, the config property requires:

  • a URL using the HTTPS protocol;
  • a URL that accepts HEAD requests and responds with an HTTP status code other than 404 or 5xx.

Additionally, it requires at least a primary secret (with an optional secondary secret) to sign the messages sent to the specified URL.

      "url": "https://your_webhook_url",
      "secret": {
        "primary": "your_primary_secret_to_sign_the_payload",
        "secondary": "your_secondary_secret_to_sign_the_payload"
#HMAC signature for webhook payloads

HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) is a method used to verify the integrity and authenticity of a message. Using a secret key shared between the sender and receiver, HMAC ensures that the payload is untampered and originates from a trusted source.

We sign each payload for HTTPS subscriptions using the secret you provided in the configuration.

We include the signature in the payload headers:

  • X-AKENEO-SIGNATURE-PRIMARY: Contains the signature using the primary secret you provided.
  • X-AKENEO-SIGNATURE-SECONDARY: Contains the signature using the secondary secret you provided if you have one.
  • X-AKENEO-SIGNATURE-ALGORITHM: The algorithm we used to sign the payload (currently always HmacSHA256).

We generate two signatures for each payload to facilitate secret rotation on your side.

To verify the signature on your end:

  1. Receive the payload and extract the signature from the headers.
  2. Using the shared secret key, compute the HMAC signature of the received payload using the same algorithm.
  3. Compare the computed HMAC signature with the received HMAC signature.

This is the easiest way to ensure the message you receive comes from our platform.

#Webhooks IP Range

If you want to add an additional layer of security, you can whitelist our service’s IP range.

We currently use a static IP address provided by Google Cloud:

However, we cannot guarantee that this IP address will remain unchanged indefinitely. Therefore, we strongly recommend whitelisting the europe-west1 IP ranges from Google Cloud's IP ranges list to ensure continuous access.

#Pub/Sub subscription


For the pubsub subscription type, the config property required when creating the subscription property requires both the project ID and the topic ID.

        "project_id": "your_google_project_id",
        "topic_id": "your_google_pubsub_topic_id"

#Allow the Akeneo Event Platform to publish in your Pub/Sub topic

To use a Pub/Sub subscription, you need to complete a few additional steps to ensure we have permission to publish into your Pub/Sub topic:

  • In the Google Cloud console, go to "Pub/Sub > Topics"
  • Next to the topic you want to use, click "" and then "View permissions"
  • Click on ADD PRINCIPAL
  • Past the following service account address into the "New principals" text box:
  • In the Role drop-down list, select "Pub/Sub" and "Pub/Sub Publisher"
  • Click "Save"

For comprehensive details on managing subscriptions, consult the complete API reference here.

#Events Format

Our platform standardises event data across services using the CloudEvents specification. CloudEvents provides a consistent structure for event data, ensuring interoperability and simplifying event handling. Each event includes essential metadata such as the event type, source, ID, and timestamp.

Example of an event payload for a productDeleted event

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e197c-dfe2-70f8-9346-1a8e016f5fbb",
      "source": "akeneo-event-platform",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product.deleted",
      "subject": "0190fe8a-6213-76ce-8a9f-ba36a5ef555a",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product.deleted.schema.json",
      "time": "2024-03-07T15:16:37Z",
      "data": {
        "product": {
          "uuid": "3444ec1b-058e-4208-9b6c-284f47a7aa17"
specversion The version of the CloudEvent specification used by the event
id The unique identifier of the event
source Identifies the context in which the event happened
type The event type
subject The subscriptionID the event comes from
datacontenttype Content type of data value
dataschema Identifies the schema that data adheres to
time Timestamp of when the event happened
data The event JSON payload

For more information, consult the CloudEvents spec attributes.

#Key platform behaviors

Your subscribing service implementation and architecture must deal with the following capabilities and constraints to consume events from the platform at its best.

#At least once

We're not in a "at most once" paradigm but in a at least once one. This paradigm involves two things your service must compose with:

  • Expect duplicates
  • Expect un-ordered events

To help identify duplicated events and deal with un-ordered events if it's something critical for your business, you can rely on both fields id and time from the event, which provide unique identifiers and publication timestamp for each event.

#Optimized throughput

Our delivery engine will try to deliver events as fast as possible but will adapt the throughput within the limits described in this section.

Especially if you create subscriptions with HTTPS destination, ensure to respond 429 Too Many Requests if your system is slightly overloaded: this way, the delivery engine will slow down quickly, retry undelivered events, and gently increase the throughput when your system gets back to normal (answers 200 OK again).

Still, we will not retry indefinitely:

  • The platform will stop retrying to deliver events emitted more than 8 hours ago.
  • The platform will start to impact the failure rate, which can lead to a subscription suspension.

#Delivery timeout

Specifically for the HTTPS destination type, the delivery timeout ensures that messages are processed within a specified period. Our system expects your endpoint to process the request in 3 seconds. If the request takes longer than this duration, we stop trying to deliver it, the event will enter the retry process.

Under normal circumstances, your HTTPS endpoint must handle the event as fast as possible. Our recommendation is to put the message in a queuing system or in a database, and process the event asynchronously.

#Retry policy for transient failures

Retry policies help manage transient failures and guarantee message delivery even when issues occur during a certain amount of time. We handle retry back-off internally, and it is not configurable per tenant.

If your destination is unable to ingest the event, we will try to deliver it again at the following pace:

  • previous delivery attempt + 5 min
  • previous delivery attempt + 10 min
  • previous delivery attempt + 20 min

Such retries are made on best effort, only for transient errors and timeouts. The threshold of the suspension policy continues to be computed during the retry process.

#Suspension policy

Our system enforces strict suspension policy to maintain the integrity and reliability of event delivery.

Your subscription will be automatically suspend in the following cases:

  • Your HTTPS endpoint responds with a 404 Not Found http status, the subscription is suspended right away.
  • Your HTTPS endpoint responds with 3xx Redirection http statuses, the subscription is suspended right away, we do not support redirections.
  • Your HTTPS endpoint responds with 5XX Server Error http statuses for more than 5% of the requests during the last hour.
  • Your HTTPS endpoint does not respond within the delivery timeout period for more than 5% of the requests during the last hour.
  • Your HTTPS endpoint responds with a 429 Too Many Requests for more than 5% of the requests during the last hour.
  • We're not authorized to publish message in your Google Cloud Topic, the subscription is suspended right away

When the platform decide to suspend your subscription, it will notify the technical email address you provided with contextual information.